3 steps to winning the War for Talent

The ‘War for Talent’ is a conversation that is taking place around the world. It has been a key topic of discussion in presentations and was raised by delegates throughout The Alternative Accountancy Strategic IT conference held in November 2021. The priority for...

CloudCapcha goes International at MSI Conference

We’re proud sponsors of the upcoming MSI International Conference (21-22 October 2021). The MSI is a leading global association of over 250 independent law and accounting firms with in-depth knowledge and experience across many different sectors. This virtual event...

Meet the CloudCapcha team at the AIT Conference

We’re excited to announce that the CloudCapcha team will be at the AIT 2021 conference (29-30 September) showcasing our cloud software solutions to delegates. The conference will focus on the theme – a roadmap for the future. The agenda features our CEO, Brian...